Note: How to enlarge the penis in a simple way?

an increase in the size of the male penis

Every man is worried about the size of his penis, and more than half believe that it is not big enough and want to enlarge it.

Until recently, it was believed that changing the size of the penis was almost impossible.

Today, medicine proves the opposite and offers many options for everyone.

There are many ways to enlarge your penis today, and almost all involve homework. Despite the simplicity of the methods, it is very important not to overdo it in the desire to enlarge the penis.

Let's see how easy it is to enlarge your penis.

The easiest ways to enlarge your penis

Each of the penis enlargement options is dangerous when misused. By exposing the penis to strong stress, you can get negative results in the form of impotence and even infertility.


One of the most popular methods of penis enlargement is massage. This method does not require additional material costs, and any man who wants to grow his penis can cope with it.

The most commonly used is jelqing. The essence of this method is to stretch the penis with your hands and do various exercises. You can perform the procedure for several months, devoting half an hour or an hour to massage techniques every day.

The idea of a mechanical penis enlargement was taken up by the manufacturers of extensions that offer to enlarge the body without much effort. All you need to do is put it on the construction and wear it between 3 and 12 hours a day during the day. The manufacturers promise that the penis can grow up to 7 cm in length a year after wearing the expander.

Reference.It is recommended to apply heat compress before massage. To do this, a towel should be moistened with warm water and wrapped around the penis. After a few minutes, re-moisten the towel and repeat the procedure.

The compress will help increase the effectiveness of the massage, the heat increases blood flow, which will help the skin to stretch better.

In addition to the traction method, acupressure is used. This includes the effect on biological points that will stimulate the production of hormones responsible for penis growth. It is better not to do acupressure yourself.

Ointments and gels

The good thing about ointments and gels is that they can be used sparingly anytime and almost anywhere. There is so much advertising for such drugs that one gets the impression that it is the most successful solution to the problem.

After reading the instructions for ointments, you will realize that it is not enough to just apply to the penis. Accordingly, all gels and ointments can be divided into 3 categories:

  • drugs used immediately before sexual intercourse - increase blood circulation, respectively, an erection and an organ appear larger;
  • long-acting ointments and gels - accelerate the metabolism and the formation of cavernous cells responsible for the growth of the penis, the effectiveness of such products has not been proven;
  • auxiliary gels - used in conjunction with expanders, rings or other devices.


The penis can grow larger than normal masturbation. The main difference is that if a man wants to increase his dignity, he must manage the discharge and not allow the end to come quickly. Otherwise, everything is for everyone's taste.

Tip:It is important to use more lubricant for penis enlargement during masturbation, and the retention should be strong so as not to damage the body, but not too much.


increases the size of the penis with exercise

There are two types of penis enlargement effects:

  1. for length growth;
  2. raise your head;
  3. for penis thickness.

Thus, the "stretch" option for length is very appropriate. It consists of slowly stretching the body in a relaxed position.

The process takes 15 seconds, you need to repeat 10 times. You can stretch in any direction.

Thickness exercises are used for contraction, not for penis elongation.

Before any workout, the body should be prepared with warm-up and everything should end with a light massage.

Traditional methods

Other old methods of penis enlargement such as eating are known among people:

  • coriander greens;
  • Parsley;
  • celery root.

These foods should be eaten regularly. It is recommended to abstain from alcohol and smoking, because the harmful substances that enter the body when consumed have a negative effect on testosterone.

  • The course can be taken with garlic tincture (sold in pharmacies) - 2 drops 2 times a day for a month. You can repeat after the break.
  • Thyme infusion also helps. The plant is poured boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2. Drink chilled in a glass 2 times daily after meals.

The result

As you can see, there are many methods for penis enlargement. By applying them correctly, the dream will soon come true. In most cases, a man's great desire and perseverance play a key role.